Awni Hannun

Sequence Modeling

This line of research focuses on efficient and accurate models for learning with sequences.

  • The Label Bias Problem, Awni Hannun, Technical Report, 2019. (pdf, html, LaTex)
Selected Publications
  • Differentiable Weighted Finite-State Transducers, Awni Hannun, Vineel Pratap, Jacob Kahn, Wei-Ning Hsu. arXiv:2010.01003, 2020. (paper, code, blog post)
  • Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Recognition with Time-Depth Separable Convolutions, Awni Hannun, Ann Lee, Qiantong Xu, Ronan Collobert. Interspeech 2019. (paper, code)
  • A Fully Differentiable Beam Search Decoder, Ronan Collobert, Awni Hannun, Gabriel Synnaeve. ICML 2019. (paper, blog)
  • Transcribing Real-valued Sequences with Deep Neural Networks, Awni Y. Hannun. PhD Thesis, Stanford University, 2018. (pdf, LaTex)
  • Sequence Modeling With CTC, Awni Y. Hannun. Distill, 2017. (html, code)